PM's keynote economic recovery speech - reaction

30 Jun 2020
Green and fairer recovery should be central to economic plans

Responding to the Prime Minister’s economic recovery speech today, Friends of the Earth campaigner Muna Suleiman said: 

“The Prime Minister’s speech did little to suggest that he recognises the true scale of the climate and nature emergencies our planet is hurtling towards.

“A green and fair recovery should be the centrepiece of government plans, not some detailing at the very edges.

“Boris Johnson won’t build back greener by investing in yet more roads, which will only lock us further into the climate crisis. 

“President Roosevelt was ambitious. The Prime Minister cannot seriously reference a New Deal when his suggested spending equates to something like £100 pounds per person. You can get a Netflix annual subscription for that, but not a green recovery.

“The UK must hit the restart button on its environmentally destructive economic system, and create the jobs and opportunities that will deliver for us all.

“The country is crying out for a green economic action plan with a massive energy efficiency programme, safer walking and cycling, and world-class public transport. 

“It’s time to end our fossil fuel and car dependency and build a cleaner, fairer future.”




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