Leave a gift in your will to Friends of the Earth

09 Jan 2024
For more than 50 years, Friends of the Earth has campaigned to protect the health and wellbeing of people and planet. Will you support our work and ensure a greener, fairer planet for generations to come?

A gift for the planet

Together we’ve brought recycling to almost every doorstep in England and Wales, helped make the Climate Change Act 2008 a reality, and won a historic legal battle to protect the climate from Heathrow expansion.

But despite our successes, there's so much more to do. 

Right now, the natural world is under threat like never before. Fossil fuels are pushing our climate to the brink. Iconic species are facing destruction. We know what we need to do to build a greener, fairer future – and we need Friends like you to make it happen.

‘A legacy ensures Friends of the Earth can carry on with those beliefs you hold dear in life.’ 

Liz Hipkins, Friends of the Earth supporter

By leaving a gift to Friends of the Earth in your will, you’ll be helping us do everything we can to transform our energy system, bring back nature, and fight for freedom, fairness and justice – in the UK and around the world. 

How to leave a gift in your will

Whether you're writing your will for the first time or updating an existing will, it's easy to remember a charity with a legacy. Keeping your will up to date ensures your wishes for loved ones and the charities you support will be clearly understood.  

Please seek professional advice when writing your will. Find a legal professional near you via The Law Society, or for more general information about making a will visit www.gov.uk/make-will 

To leave a gift to Friends of the Earth you’ll need our address and charity number: 

Friends of the Earth Charitable Trust
The Printworks 
139 Clapham Road
London SW9 0HP

Registered charity number for England and Wales: 281681

Useful information

Types of gift

There are 3 different types of gift you can leave:

A share of your estate
This is a popular choice as it keeps its value in line with inflation as time goes on. 

A fixed amount of money
The value of this kind of gift goes down over time as the cost of living increases. 

A specific item
This could be jewellery, a valuable painting, or even a property, for example. 

Updating a will

If you’ve already written your will and would now like to add a gift to Friends of the Earth, download and print our codicil. Simply complete it yourself and keep it with your existing will.  

You won’t need the assistance of a legal professional to complete your codicil, however you will need 2 witnesses, much like your original will.

Advice for executors

If you're the executor or solicitor of someone who's left a gift in their will for Friends of the Earth, please read our guidance.

Get in touch

If you have any questions, or would like to receive an information leaflet about leaving a gift in your will to Friends of the Earth, then please call Anna on 020 7566 1701 or email her at giftsinwills@foe.co.uk

A gift in your will of any amount will help protect the environment for future generations. Thank you. We can’t do it without you. 


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