
Should we build houses on the green belt?

  Published:  19 Jul 2024     |       6 minute read
The new Labour government is rightly planning to build millions more homes. But it’s not as simple as tearing up planning rules. Sustainability Analyst Paul De Zylva and Senior Planner Magnus Gallie explore how house building can be done in a way that doesn’t cost the Earth.

5 animals impacted by sewage

  Published:  15 May 2024     |       3 minute read
Water companies are currently allowed to pour tonnes of sewage into our waters every day. Zoologist and campaigner Sienna Somers looks at the animals suffering because of sewage.

How to spot water pollution

  Published:  15 May 2024     |       4 minute read
Almost all the UK's waterways are polluted. Join our call for a new law to punish polluters, and keep safe by learning how to spot pollution in your river.