Northern Ireland's challenges
Northern Ireland's air, water and soils are in a bad way.
We have the least protected environment in the UK and Ireland. It's a real worry for the 1.8m people living here and the many important wildlife sites in the country.
Northern Ireland has no independent Environmental Protection Agency. No National Parks. The planning system leans heavily towards new development. And communities don't have enough say.
We're going to change this.

Environmental facts about Northern Ireland
1.5 million
tonnes of sand are extracted from Lough Neagh each year
of electricity used in Northern Ireland comes from renewables
jobs could be created by refurbishing thousands of homes in Northern Ireland
of Northern Ireland's transport budget is spent on roads
of protected sites are badly damaged by agricultural pollution
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Our team
Friends of the the Earth Northern Ireland is led by Director James Orr, and supported by:
- Campaign Coordinator Colette Stewart
- Campaigner Declan Allison
- Activism and Community Campaigns Officer Deborah McLaughlin
- Lawyer Laura Neal.
Click on the names above to email each individual, or use the central office contact details below.
Friends of the Earth Northern Ireland, Gordon House, 22-24 Lombard Street, Belfast BT1 1RD
028 9023 3488

Latest on Northern Ireland
27 Jun 2024
Together with the No Gas Caverns campaign group, we stopped huge gas storage caves being mined under Larne Lough, a stunning marine protected area. Read about the Larne Lough case.
07 Mar 2024
People power played a vital role in securing climate change legislation for Northern Ireland. Watch our film about the race to get a Climate Act.
31 Jan 2024
Lawyer Acland Bryant explains our legal intervention against mineral prospecting on the grounds of environmental damage and transparency.
12 Oct 2023
Our response to the consultation on Northern Ireland’s 2030 and 2040 Emissions Reduction Targets and First Three Carbon Budgets.
24 May 2023
Northern Ireland's high levels of ammonia emissions are highly damaging to the environment, but the draft strategy to lower them will only reduce them by about 25% and only 2 Special Areas of Conservation (SAC) will have reductions to below damaging levels.