A crowd of people smiling, one sitting on a tractor.

Events in Northern Ireland

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  Published:  17 May 2023    |      Last updated:  07 Mar 2024    |      1 minute read

Save Lough Neagh: Stormont protest

We're living in the middle of an ecological crisis in Northern Ireland. It’s 4 years since we got a commitment from the executive parties in New Decade New Approach for an independent Environmental Protection Agency. Our rivers, lakes, trees and ecosystems are crying out to demand that an EPA be delivered within the next 12 months. This must be the number one priority for government. 

Please join us at Stormont to demand an Environmental Protection Agency.  We need urgent action, now!

Where: Stormont

When: Tuesday 12 March, 12.30pm

No booking required, please turn up.

Save Lough Neagh Stomrmont Protest
Save Lough Neagh Stormont Protest on 12 March at 12.30pm, demanding urgent action.

This event is organised by Save Lough Neagh.