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Let's keep in touch

We can only transform the environment with the commitment and determination of supporters like you. We’d love to keep you up to date with our campaigns and how you can get involved, including whether you can help with a donation. You are free to change your mind at any time.

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Useful contacts

General enquiries
020 7490 1555
Supporter enquiries
For help with your donations or details
0800 581 051
Press enquiries
Please call the media team on 020 7566 1649 or email: [email protected]. For other press and media information, please see the press releases page
Interested in a partnership?
We have a partnership team you can speak to on 020 7490 1555
Find my nearest group
We have local groups across England, Wales and Northern Ireland, as well as national groups across the world
Write to us
The form above saves paper and is quicker, but you're still welcome to write to us at the head office address shown below

Your money can make a difference to the planet

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Friends of the Earth main office location screenshot from Google Maps

Head office

Friends of the Earth, The Printworks, 139 Clapham Rd, London, SW9 0HP

Local groups

We also have a network of local groups you can get involved with.

Friends of the Earth main office location screenshot from Google Maps