
Agroforestry: a win-win for the future of farming?

  Published:  03 Jun 2020     |       6 minute read
If we’re going to tackle climate breakdown, we need more trees. 72% of UK land is currently used by farmers for food production, but combining trees with farming could suck carbon out of the atmosphere, and make farming more profitable, productive and sustainable.

10 easy ways to help bees

  Published:  30 Mar 2020     |       4 minute read
Create a haven for bees and pollinators and give nature a helping hand. From growing the right plants to avoiding pesticides, try these easy tips.

A tree is just a tree... or is it?

  Published:  19 Dec 2019     |       2 minute read
2019 was the year that trees became political. In response to increased concern around climate breakdown, and amidst the backdrop of a General Election, all of the main UK political parties pledged to increase tree cover. But what's the connection between trees and climate? Scientist Mat Disney explains.