Provisional woodland statistics 2020: Friends of the Earth calls for government to boost low tree cover

Press release
Provisional woodland statistics for 2020 have revealed little to no progress has been made on improving vital tree cover across the UK.
  Published:  11 Jun 2020    |      1 minute read
  • The latest National Statistics on woodland produced by Forest Research were released today (11 June 2020) 
  • Woodland cover sits at 10% in England, 15% in Wales, 19% in Scotland and 9% in Northern Ireland.  
  • Friends of the Earth is campaigning to double tree cover as part of the fight against climate and nature breakdown 

Emi Murphy, trees campaigner at Friends of the Earth, said:  

"Our government talks the talk on fighting climate breakdown, but these figures show that planting of new trees, and replacing those felled, in England remains at an historic low. During the coronavirus lockdown it’s become clearer than ever how vital access to trees and green spaces is for people’s health and wellbeing, so for the sake of people as well as planet we need to see a huge improvement in how quickly trees are being planted, with the right trees in the right place. 

“This is why Friends of the Earth is calling on the government to double UK tree cover. In its upcoming English Tree Strategy the government has an unmissable opportunity to help fix the climate emergency and make more space for our rapidly declining nature - they need to act now.”