Published: 16 Mar 2018
Last updated: 30 Mar 2021
3 minute read
Over-packaged chocolate Easter eggs seem to be everywhere. We've explore why, and what can be done about it, to help us all enjoy plastic-free, low-waste chocolate this year.
Rather than buying brand new wood for a DIY or building project, it's much better for the environment to find timber that's been used before. Here's why, and how...
Published: 02 Feb 2018
Last updated: 10 Feb 2021
2 minute read
Have a heart this Valentine's Day – avoid adding to the plastic choking our oceans and sea life. Check out our plastic-free ideas for the most romantic gifts on the planet.
If repairing or re-using old wood isn't possible, here's an A to Z guide to buying new timber. Find out if it's from endangered trees, or from a sustainable source.