What are local action groups?

About Friends of the Earth local action groups

Our network of local action groups is made up of people in communities who are passionate about tackling the climate and ecological crises and fighting for a fairer, greener world for everyone.

As part of the local action group network, groups campaign on issues locally as well as come together for national fights such as United for Warm Homes. Local action groups are supported by Friends of the Earth, with a suite of resources, training and staff guidance.

Our network leverages the power of Friends of the Earth as a national organisation, with its large supporter base and the expertise of its policy, research, campaigning, media and communication teams.

We know this approach works: together with our groups we’ve secured some big wins, like 75% of newly elected metro mayors taking a pledge to adopt Climate Action Plans and create green jobs.

Local action groups always welcome new people with a desire to do something for the climate and a bit of spare time. You can do as much or as little as you want, and you’ll be offered lots of support and training opportunities to be able to make a difference.   

Members of a local action group sit at a table with laptops talking

How do I find a group in my area?

We have hundreds of local action groups across England, Wales and Northern Ireland. 

Joining a local action group is easy. Just type in your postcode on our interactive map, click on the group nearest you and follow the instructions.

And if you live in Scotland, you have your very own Friends of the Earth network. Head over and see what they’re up to.

Members of a local action group sit at a table with laptops talking

What do groups do?

To deliver meaningful change, we need people of all backgrounds and ages to come together to take action in their communities.

And there are so many ways you can make a difference. In Newcastle, they've petitioned the government for safe cycling. In Nottingham they're working on plans to plant an orchard at Nottingham College. And in Darlington the group are campaigning to save a woodland from developers.

Find out how your area can become more climate-friendly with our data tool, Near Me. After all, big change starts small. 

Three demonstrators protesting gas funding in Mozambique with a pipe and placards

Why do we need community groups?

We can only achieve long-term, systemic change if we use the power of our own communities to put pressure on the UK government.

Local action groups run their own local campaigns to convince decision makers to turn political promises into concrete action.

And, as more and more communities and councils take climate and ecological action across the UK, pressure will mount on the national government to do the same.

Three demonstrators protesting gas funding in Mozambique with a pipe and placards

News from the network

Join a local action group

Take climate action