A year of community action: highlights from 2019

Thanks to your continued support, we've achieved some incredible wins for people and planet in 2019.
  Published:  26 Dec 2019    |      1 minute read

1. A halt on fracking 

After 8 years of intense campaigning alongside some incredible community activists, we’ve won an historic moratorium on fracking in the UK. Listen to what some of our campaigners have to say about this momentous victory.

2. Gwent Levels saved

Magor Marsh, Gwent Levels
Magor Marsh, Gwent Levels
Credit: Celeste Hicks/Friends of the Earth

You helped us defeat the M4 relief road in Wales, protecting our precious Gwent Levels from destruction and pollution. 

3. Tackling plastic pollution 

Suella Braverman, Conservative MP for Fareham, holding up a banner to declare support for a law to phase out non-essential plastics
Suella Braverman, Conservative MP for Fareham
Credit: Friends of the Earth

Our plastics pollution bill, drawn up together with the National Federation of Women's Institutes, made its way to parliament for a first reading. The bill includes a 2025 target to end the use of non-essential single use plastics.

4. Community driven action 

Take Climate Action placard

We supported you in forming over 140 Climate Action groups across the country. Groups are using Climate Action Plans to lobby decision-makers and tackle climate breakdown at the local and national level.

5.  A strike to remember 

OG Earth_Globa Climate Strikes

On 20 September we took to the streets with millions of you in 8 locations across England, Wales and Northern Ireland as part of the global climate strikes. Your support helped us make sure the voices of young people were heard by world leaders.

6. Campaigning to double UK's tree cover 

Local children pinned notes onto trees at Rimrose Valley
Local children pinned notes onto trees at Rimrose Valley
Credit: Save Rimrose Valley

As a result of campaigning to double tree cover and help tackle climate breakdown, councils in the West of England and Hackney have committed to doubling tree cover on their land.

7. Protecting peatlands

Photo of moorland landscape with grey smoke and flames
Moorland burning, Yorkshire Dales, October 2018
Credit: Sandy Watt/Friends of the Earth


Following our revelations in early 2019 that some landowners were still burning moorland for grouse shooting, the government pledged to ban moorland burning on blanket peat bog.

Thank you for your support

A very big thank you to all of our supporters, together we have won some significant successes for climate at a local, national and international level.

2020 will be another critical year. Will you help us achieve our next win for the planet?

Please support our vital campaigns to tackle the climate crisis.