Eco-anxiety How to turn fear into hope

Feeling anxious about the climate emergency?

The back of a person looking out at the ocean

What's eco-anxiety?

From fires in Australia to floods in Indonesia, it's no wonder many of us are feeling more than a little on edge about the environment.

Eco-anxiety describes the negative feelings – including stress, fear, anger and grief – many of us have about climate breakdown, nature loss and the future of our planet. Despite emerging recently as a term, its impact is widespread, with two-thirds of Brits worried about the climate crisis. 

The back of a person looking out at the ocean
Himesh Patel photographed by Tom Oldham

How eco-anxiety affects us

Feelings of stress and fear about the future of our planet affect people from all walks of life.

We asked 5 nature-loving actors to share their concerns about the planet, and how they're finding ways to cope.

Himesh Patel photographed by Tom Oldham
A megaphone with rainbow sound vibrations coming out of it

A psychotherapist's advice on eco-anxiety

In episode 5 of our podcast, Climate Campaigner Muna talks to psychotherapist Caroline Hickman, journalist Emma Beddington and Friends of the Earth Producer Isobel about eco-anxiety, how to deal with stressful feelings, and why feelings of despair might actually be a good thing. For you, and the planet.

A megaphone with rainbow sound vibrations coming out of it
A young woman walking on a leafy woodland path
5 people in summer clothing tending to an unruly, green community garden in an urban setting, with tall building towers in the background.

Take back tomorrow

It can sometimes feel as if the "big things" (like climate breakdown) are out of our control – that the future is out of our hands.

But that's not true. 

Alongside individual lifestyle changes, taking action in our communities makes us part of a powerful movement working together to protect the planet.

5 people in summer clothing tending to an unruly, green community garden in an urban setting, with tall building towers in the background.