Election debate: Parties must put fairness at the centre of climate policies

Press release
Huge economic and social cost if we fail to act with the urgency needed to tackle the climate emergency
  Published:  07 Jun 2024    |      1 minute read

During tonight’s BBC general election debate, leaders from the UK’s seven main parties were asked whether economic growth or climate policies matter more. In response, Rosie Downes, head of campaigns at Friends of the Earth, said:

“It was encouraging to hear some of the candidates be clear that strong green policies will boost the economy and help tackle the cost-of-living crisis. Investing in a nationwide programme of insulation and unleashing the power of cheap, clean, homegrown renewables, will bring down our bills and emissions, and create hundreds of thousands of jobs in the industries of the future.  

“The greatest cost, economically and socially, would be if the UK fails to act with the urgency needed to tackle the climate emergency. The UN secretary general described climate change as ‘the mother of all stealth taxes on vulnerable communities’. We need all parties to put fairness at the centre of their climate and energy policies and ensure those hardest hit by soaring bills are the ones who benefit first from the transition to a green economy.

“People want to see bold leadership that ensures the UK takes urgent action to meet its national and international climate goals, in a way that guarantees everyone prospers from a fossil free future.”