Heathrow expansion plans revealed

Press release
Friends of the Earth's Executive Director Craig Bennett comments on newly revealed plans for Heathrow's third runway.
  Published:  18 Jun 2019    |      1 minute read

Details of Heathrow airport's expansion project were published today, including plans to lower the M25 and reroute rivers to make way for the third runway and associated infrastructure.  Friends of the Earth executive director Craig Bennett said:

"Expanding Heathrow will bring more misery to local communities, and pump more climate-wrecking emissions into our atmosphere.

"An estimated 15% of people take over 70% of flights – so it’s a small minority of people causing most of the problem. Heathrow's expansion represents wealthy frequent flier convenience and corporate enrichment at the expense of us all.

"With Parliament declaring a climate emergency, and the UK government committed to net zero carbon emissions, it’s time to change direction on transport policy and pull the brake on airport expansion."

Friends of the Earth is appealing against a High Court decision on its challenge to Heathrow expansion on climate change grounds. The environmental organisation is waiting to hear whether permission has been granted for the appeal to be heard.