Walk or cycle instead of driving
Did you know that 69% of all UK car journeys are short ones? Walking or cycling will help reduce air pollution for everyone.
Stuck in traffic? Then recycle your air
Car passengers can be exposed to almost 8 times as much pollution as cyclists. So when stuck in traffic, use the recycled air setting in your car.
Work out at the best time of day
Joggers inhale more pollution than walkers over the same distance. The best time to run or jog is generally early, before the day’s traffic affects air quality.
Get some pollution-busting houseplants
It’s true – houseplants can help filter harmful compounds from the air at home. Peace lily, cornstalk dracaena and broadleaf lady palm all fit the bill.
Save fuel and save air pollution too
Turn off your car engine when in stationary traffic. And if you fill up your car at colder times of the day, it will avoid fuel evaporation.