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Help create a fairer, greener future for all Donate today

People line the streets in London. Green Friends of the Earth flag held in the middle

Help us create a fairer, greener future for all

We're already seeing the scary impacts of climate change across the planet. Extreme flooding, out-of-control wildfires and the rapid erosion of our coasts are destroying homes and livelihoods globally. But some are impacted much worse than others and are often part of communities who've contributed the least to climate breakdown. On top of this, these communities are frequently made up of minority groups such as people of colour and disabled people, meaning that the climate crisis only exacerbates the injustice these groups already face. We can't allow this to continue.  

We should be able to use our democratic right to challenge decisions that put people and planet at risk. But around the world and here in the UK, those peacefully raising the alarm about the planet's destruction are being punished, in some instances more severely than those who participated in hate-motivated violence. 

People line the streets in London. Green Friends of the Earth flag held in the middle
Group of people stood outside the Royal Courts of Justice holding placards

Without human rights, there can be no climate justice

Our mission is a fairer, greener planet. One where those contributing the least to climate change don't have to experience the worst impacts. Where our right to protest is respected and protected, allowing us to stand up and fight for a better future that benefits us all. And one where we see the enforcement of robust environmental laws that ensure those who've contributed the least to the problem receive the support they deserve.  

Our lawyers and campaigners will continue to stand alongside those disproportionately impacted by the climate crisis and those unjustly punished for demanding a planet that's safe for generations to come. In March 2024, we filed an application on protest rights with the European Court of Human Rights, which could be Friends of the Earth’s most important civil liberties case to date. We’re challenging anti-protest “persons unknown” injunctions, which are being used to shut down peaceful protests and which we believe breach everyone’s rights to freedom of expression and a fair trial. 

Group of people stood outside the Royal Courts of Justice holding placards

What our supporters have helped achieve

Our supporters are our lifeline. Knowing that we have a reliable, long-term source of income allows us to plan more effectively and respond more efficiently to the enormous challenges we face.

Together with our supporters, we’ve been able to:

✔️ launch the world’s first climate change law – the Climate Change Act 2008  

✔️ lead the campaign to bring doorstep recycling to every home

✔️ secure a permanent ban on harmful pesticides to protect bees and wildlife

✔️ put a halt to a new, polluting deep coal mine in Cumbria

✔️ take to the streets to demand climate justice and stand up to racism

… among many other wins for people and planet. Will you be part of our next big win?

A safer and fairer future is within our grasp. Your generous donations will help us get there, together. Thank you so much.

Jamie Peters, Interim CEO

Jamie Peters

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By setting up a regular donation today, you’ll become part of the biggest grassroots environmental community in the world. We’ll keep you up to date with the latest campaign developments as they break and share ways for you to maximise your impact for people and planet.

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  • Campaign updates and actions you can take
  • Expert green lifestyle ideas
  • Earthmatters – our biannual magazine.
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