Nature is essential to our lives. Our soils, seas, trees and bees provide us with fresh food, while forests help filter the air and prevent flooding – among other things. What's more, nature is essential to our mental health and wellbeing.
Yet we’re losing nature at a terrifying rate.
According to the UN, 1 million species are at risk of extinction globally. And in the UK, a quarter of mammals are at imminent risk of disappearing – including wildcats and hedgehogs. In addition, despite their importance, just 13% of the UK’s total land area has tree cover, compared to an EU average of 35%. Urgent action is needed to tackle the climate and nature emergency.

Our work on nature

Protecting nature against extreme weather

Your donation makes a difference
Do you think our leaders should be doing more to help people and wildlife? We’re taking action now. For our own health and our planet’s, we need long-term solutions. We need your help to get our leaders to commit to a green and fair recovery for all.
When you become a supporter of Friends of the Earth, you're providing vital support for our campaigns.
Thanks to supporters like you, we’ve achieved huge success over the years:
✔️ Climate Change Act: A world first law designed to cut greenhouse gas emissions.
✔️ Recycling Act: That green bin on your doorstep is thanks to our community, bringing recycling to every home and reducing plastic waste in our seas.
✔️ Our leaders commit to stop funding fossil fuels abroad: In 2020 our campaigners helped pressure our leaders to stop funding climate-wrecking fossil fuel projects abroad. A huge win for global climate justice.

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By joining Friends of the Earth, you'll be part of our campaign to make more space for nature and help fight climate and ecological breakdown.
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We know that the future could look greener and healthier for everyone. But we need to act now. And to do that, we need your support.

to help fight this climate and ecological emergency