Green Party manifesto - Friends of the Earth reaction

Press release
Friends of the Earth's head of policy, Mike Childs, reflects on the Green Party's 2024 manifesto.
  Published:  13 Jun 2024    |      1 minute read

Friends of the Earth news statement
For immediate release: Wednesday 12 June 2024

Responding to the publication of the Green Party’s election manifesto, Mike Childs, head of policy at Friends of the Earth, said:

"The Green Party is so far the only political party that has grasped the reality that unless we properly invest in reducing carbon emissions from our homes, industries, farming and transport, it will be impossible to avoid the huge financial and human costs of the climate crisis in the future. Money spent on green growth is how we lower energy bills for good, create long-term jobs in clean industries and boost the economy.

"By taxing the wealthiest in society and introducing carbon taxes on polluting companies, the Greens aim to benefit the poorest in society through fixing the UK’s damp, heat-leaking homes, improving our public transport system and enabling farmers to earn a decent living from green farming, as well as properly funding essential services such as the NHS.​

"Honesty is essential to regaining trust in politics, so hats off to the Green Party for having the honesty to say that we can’t fix our broken energy system, ailing public services and protect our planet without spending much more money. And we must ensure the burden doesn’t fall on ordinary working families by fairly taxing the richest and making polluters pay."


For more information and interviews contact the Friends of the Earth press office on 020 7566 1649 or email [email protected].

Notes to editors:

1. About Friends of the Earth: Friends of the Earth is an international community dedicated to the protection of the natural world and the wellbeing of everyone in it. We bring together more than two million people in 75 countries, combining people power all over the world to transform local actions into global impact.