Social justice

Why Gypsy, Roma and Traveller communities need our support

  Published:  26 Apr 2022     |       Last updated:  05 Sep 2022     |       3 minute read
The passing of the policing bill into law is a moment to redouble our efforts to defend Britain’s 300,000 strong Gypsy and Traveller communities, who face increased criminalisation under the new law. Romany journalist Jake Bowers explains how the bill impacts nomadic ways of life, and why we need to join forces across society to defend and protect our planet.

Climate justice and anti-racism

  Published:  30 Sep 2020     |       Last updated:  08 Aug 2024     |       2 minute read
We need a diverse range of voices to solve global problems and achieve social justice, yet the climate movement is still overwhelmingly white and middle-class. Find out what Friends of the Earth is doing to become actively anti-racist.