World on track for 3.1C warming, UN reports

Press release
The UN's Environmental Programme released its annual report on the emissions cuts needed to limit global heating. Head of policy, Mike Childs, provides comment.
  Published:  25 Oct 2024    |      1 minute read

Responding to the UN's annual report on the emissions cuts required to limit global heating, Mike Childs, head of policy at Friends of the Earth, said:

"The UN's warning is stark. The upcoming climate talks in Baku (COP29) must bring greater ambition and swift action.

"The UK is currently way off track for meeting its international commitment to cut emissions by two-thirds by 2030. This target was always a minimum to achieve and we should be aiming for stronger reductions.

"The government has until May 2025 to write a new climate plan, following a successful legal challenge brought by Friends of the Earth and others against the last government's inadequate and unlawful effort. This must be bolder and have fairness at its centre. As well as protecting the environment and ensuring the UK meets its crucial climate targets, the plan should create warmer homes, cleaner air, better public transport, green jobs and a stronger economy."