Why do we need bees?
Bees are essential to a healthy environment and healthy economy. We rely on them and other insects to pollinate most of our fruit and vegetables. But bees are under threat and without them so is our food and economy.
You can make your garden, street and community bee-friendly. It's also vital that we persuade the government to take action. Join the generation that saves bees.

1. Bees are crucial to the economy

2. A healthy environment needs bees

3. Bee-friendly spaces are good for us too

4. Bees are literary icons

5. Different bees have different personalities

6. Endangered bee species

7. What are the causes of bee decline?

8. Without bees, we're in trouble

9. Bees and neonicotinoids

10. Bees are easy to help

11. You can get bee-friendly plants!

We all deserve thriving nature, clean air and safe waters
Demand a healthy environment
12. Bees love herbs

13. Solitary bees need individual nests

14. Local honey is best