Wildflower field

Developing a pollinator action plan

Bee on blue flower close up and group of people in the background

The role of councils in helping pollinators

A major threat to wild bees and other pollinators is loss of natural habitats. We can all play a part in creating and protecting green spaces – whether it's the government, business or people like you. 

Thanks to Friends of the Earth and other organisations, the government launched the National Pollinator Strategy in 2014 to reverse the decline of pollinating insects. This was a step in the right direction but there is still more to be done. 

At local level, councils can also play a critical role in habitat protection, restoration and creation, and you can ask them to do just that. 

Bee on blue flower close up and group of people in the background
Road verge with bumblebee on red flower

What you can do

As a resident, you can really influence council priorities - especially when there are benefits for wildlife and people 

You can show how concerned you are about the decline of bees and other pollinating insects, and why you believe it's important for councils to adopt a pollinator action plan.

Inspire your council to create habitats that for years to come will support wild bees, butterflies, moths, hover flies, beetles, wasps and other wildlife.

Either take action by signing up to ask your council to implement a pollinator action plan, or use our handy guide to directly persuade your council yourself.

Road verge with bumblebee on red flower
Cornwall council receiving petition to ban bee-harming neonicotinoid pesticides

Case studies: pollinator-friendly councils

A growing number of councils are developing pollinator action plans.

The South West has shown real enthusiasm. Cornwall, Devon and Dorset have committed to measures such as adapting mowing regimes to encourage wildflowers, and banning the use of bee-harming pesticides on council-owned land. 

In Wales, Torfaen has committed to protecting pollinating insects, as have Conwy and Monmouthshire, which have achieved Bee Friendly accreditation.

Cornwall council receiving petition to ban bee-harming neonicotinoid pesticides
Cabbage White butterfly on pink flower in long grass.


Bee-friendly Wales

Across Wales schools, councils and businesses are becoming more and more bee and pollinator friendly.

Welsh schools are getting bee friendly thanks to an initiative by Friends of the Earth Cymru in association with the Welsh Government. Follow one primary school’s journey to Bee Friendly status.