Bideford, Devon
Postcode Gardener: Lizz Dobinson
Delivery Partner: Bideford Town Centre Partnership
Bideford has been growing a community herb garden, planting flowers with young people, surveying bumblebee numbers and organising a Seed Swap. Lizz says: "Every time I walk past one of our plots, I’ve noticed someone has taken a fruit or vegetable.
Find out more about the Bideford project.

Postcode Gardener: Saeed Olayiwola
Delivery Partner: Liverpool Black Men’s Group
Liverpool has been creating a healing garden for the community, as well as growing a wildflower meadow and street planters. It's also planning to develop a disused space into a community area for growing food to tackle local food poverty.
Find out more about the Liverpool project.

Balsall Heath, Birmingham
Delivery Partner: Fruit & Nut Village
Balsall Heath has been planting a mini orchard, organising an inter-faith tree planting session and supporting residents to green their front yards.
Find out more about the Balsall Heath project.

Notting Dale, London
Postcode Gardener: Liz Moxon
Delivery Partner: Westway Trust
Notting Dale is planning to transform a disused playground into a community garden, as well as supporting those without gardens to grow food and flowers on their balconies and window sills. Liz says: "I want them to rediscover that nature is living just outside their front door."
Find out more about the Notting Dale project.

Wythenshawe, Manchester
Delivery Partner: Sow the City
Wythenshawe has been creating community growing spaces and giving people guidance on greening activities. Emily says: "A lot of our work is about helping people to get growing or to utilise outdoor spaces a little bit more."
Find out more about the Wythenshawe project.
West Gorton, Manchester
Postcode Gardener: Lizzie Meade
Delivery Partner: Groundwork Manchester
West Gorton has been refurbishing a herb and sensory garden, planting spring bulbs and wildflowers in a neglected park, and connecting with local women's and walking groups. Lizzie says: "We'll make use of all the spaces we can find to plant trees, hedgerows, bulbs and add things like bird, bat and bug hotels."
Find out more about the West Gorton project.

Orchard Park, Hull
Postcode Gardener: John Pickles
Delivery Partner: EMS
Orchard Park has been hosting gardening workshops, a planting session and a community BBQ, as well as working with other groups on Hull's Right to Grow policy. John says: "I want this project to create a space for socialising and collaboration."
Find out more about the Orchard Park project.
Bransholme, Hull
Postcode Gardener: Jon Pearson
Delivery Partner: Rewilding Youth
Bransholme has been working with young people and a community centre on a garden conversion. It's also planning workshops, community health events and planter installations. Jon says: "Gardening to me is an escape into another world [...] it brings everyone together with what's around us."
Find out more about the Bransholme project.

Rose Hill, Derby
Postcode Gardener: Steven Howard
Delivery Partner: Down to Earth
Rose Hill has been developing a community garden, collecting tree seeds, surveying bumblebees and litter picking. Steven says: "We're hopeful that everyone will have a chance to [...] get involved in greening up their neighbourhood or have their voice heard about potential sites for improvement."
Find out more about the Rose Hill project.

East Middlesbrough, Middlesbrough
Postcode Gardener: Ian Pemberton
Delivery Partner: Community Ventures
East Middlesbrough has been providing allotment holders with water butts and transforming neglected spaces into community gardens. It's planning to revitalise surburban areas with new planters and green spaces, working with the community to encourage ownership and sustainability.
Find out more about the East Middlesbrough project.

Barton Hill, Bristol
Postcode Gardener: Harriet Wylie
Delivery Partner: Wellspring Settlement
Barton Hill is transforming neglected urban spaces into vibrant community gardens, addressing the need for more green spaces and social connection in this diverse and densely populated area.

Ravenhill, Swansea
Delivery Partner: Swansea Community Farm

St Thomas, Swansea
Postcode Gardener: Ollie Lister
Delivery Partner: The Environment Centre

Wood Green, London

Ely and Caerau, Cardiff
Postcode Gardener: Rob Fuller
Delivery Partner: ACE – Action in Caerau & Ely

Tyleri, Blaenau Gwent
Postcode Gardener: Jamie Thomas
Delivery Partner: Pentref Tyleri

Rhyl, Denbighshire

Ferndale, Rhondda Valley
Postcode Gardener: Lisa Morgan
Delivery Partner: Arts Factory
Hackney, London
Postcode Gardener: Rachael Cohen
Delivery Partner: ecoACTIVE
Hackney has been making wildflower meadows, planting bulbs with local schools and creating a “buzz line” through the area for bees and other insects. Jess says: "Gardening brings people of all ages, backgrounds, and skill levels together to contribute towards a common goal."
Find out more about the Hackney project.