A group of people stand in a group smiling on a grassy lawn in front of a building, with freshly dug flower beds behind them

Postcode Gardener in Liverpool 8

Liverpool 8

Postcode Gardener Addae G is an artist and gardener whose key focus is on engaging the community to bring nature back to Liverpool 8, as well as fostering community spirit and interfaith connection. His work will be hosted by the Liverpool Black Men’s Group (LBMG), which brings together Black men of all ages to support each other and to drive community action.

Volunteers in a green wildflower area, one person weeding

About the project

This Postcode Gardener project will help to unlock the many advantages of a greener neighbourhood. It builds on the inspirational greening work LBMG has already led, including planting a whole park with sunflowers. Addae G will work with local volunteers to transform neglected spaces in Liverpool 8 into wildlife-friendly habitats and green havens for the community to enjoy.

The project will grow a mix of flowers and foods, creating another kind of religious space in the community. Addae G will work with local people to plan what they want to grow and how they want to use the space together. And he'll be working with a well-known beekeeper with hives around Liverpool to ensure they plant bee-friendly flowers. They’ve also contacted local garden groups to get them involved.

Liverpool 8 has already made a great start with a project to transform an area between the local church, mosque and Caribbean Centre, turning it into a multi-faith space flourishing with healing food and herbs.

Project volunteers sowing seeds for a wildflower meadow

Meet Addae G, the Postcode Gardener

I hope lots of people will see just how powerful nature can be for bringing us all closer together, supporting wildlife to thrive and creating health and happiness.

A portrait of Addae G, Postcode Gardener

Addae grew up in the rainforests of Trinidad & Tobago and was used to flourishing fruit and vegetables. He’d love to create this in Liverpool 8, as well as a positive gardening experience for Black men and the wider community.

Alongside LBMG, he works with the local Caribbean Centre to organise activities that educate the community. This Postcode Gardener project can help foster the sharing of knowledge, and he’s hoping to get as many local people involved as possible, even if they need some encouragement through food and entertainment! 

A group of volunteers, some laying cardboard for a flower bed, others playing drums

Protecting the natural world has been at the heart of The Co-operative Bank’s unique, customer-led Ethical Policy for over 30 years, driven by their customers’ concerns for biodiversity and the environment. 

Postcode Gardeners are bringing communities together to help bring nature back. Through our partnership with The Co-operative Bank, we’re supporting Postcode Gardeners to restore wildlife and greenery in over 1,000 nature-deprived spaces across the country. 

Friends of the Earth, The co-operative bank