A close-up of a tube of bee lovely hand cream by Neal's Yard Remedies

Our partner Neal’s Yard Remedies

Neal’s Yard Remedies is helping Friends of the Earth protect Britain’s 270 species of bees from pesticides, climate change and habitat loss.

Our bees are in danger. But together, we're telling the story of their plight and how we can help them. It has engaged its customers in the issue by sharing information and practical guides about creating a more bee-friendly world.

It also offered bespoke Friends of the Earth wildflower seed mixes to its customers to encourage donations to the Friends of the Earth Bee Cause campaign.

Bee Lovely bag by Neal's Yard Remedies
Neal's Yard Remedies logo


As a business and as individuals we rely on a healthy and thriving environment – our wellbeing depends on it.


Knowing that bee populations are in rapid decline all over the world – and that in Britain, bees are disappearing faster than in the rest of Europe – is cause for serious concern. That’s why raising funds and raising awareness are both crucial for creating positive change. 


Louise Green, Head of Sustainability, Neal's Yard Remedies