Our history Campaigning since 1971

50 years of Climate Action

We've been fighting for people and planet for 50 years, and we couldn't have done it without you. 

From getting drastic on plastic to fighting climate change, we want to change the world for good. It's time to make a difference.

Be part of the change

Mahogany is Murder

Mahogany is Murder

In the early 90s, we led an international campaign to expose the damage caused by extracting mahogany from rainforests. Support from local groups and comedian Alexei Sayle and a demo outside Harrods helped attract attention.

Brazil's exports of the hardwood to the UK fell to 40% by 1995.

Mahogany is Murder

The Big Ask

The Big Ask campaign proved people power can change the world. Lasting three years, it involved our entire grassroots network and attracted the support of hundreds of thousands of people through campaigning and events like the Big Ask Live benefit gig with Radiohead.

Thanks to campaigners and people like you, the UK government brought in the historic Climate Change Act in 2008, tying government to achieving at least 80% cuts in greenhouse gases by 2050.

The Big Ask Live

Be part of the change

Paris Climate Talks

In December 2015, we joined thousands of people in small groups all over Paris to spell out a giant message to world leaders from the streets of Paris.

Press play and get inspired by global action.

Fracking victory

In November 2019, the government announced a moratorium on fracking in England.

The announcement followed 8 years of protests, arrests, demonstrations, remonstrations, letters, emails, tears, rightful fears, and incredibly community organising by the grassroots network.

Press play and meet some of the local campaigners.

Landmark legal climate win

We went to the highest court in the country to support Weald Action Group's challenge to Surrey County Council's decision to allow drilling for oil at Horse Hill, Surrey.

The Supreme Court judge ruled that the council acted unlawfully by granting planning permission without considering the climate impact when the oil is inevitably burned. It has quashed the planning permission. The landmark judgment sets an important legal precedent, which could have enormous impacts on all new UK fossil fuel developments.

Campaigner Sarah Finch celebrates outside the Supreme Court
Sarah Finch, Weald Action Group, at Horse Hill Supreme Court judgement.