Druridge Bay: Challenging decision to reject opencast mine will fail

18 Apr 2018
Debating dirty coal in 2018 is a distraction.

Responding to Banks Mining announcement of a challenge to Secretary of State Sajid Javid's decision to reject an open cast coal mine at beautiful Druridge Bay, Rose Dickinson, Friends of the Earth campaigner, said:

“The Secretary made the right decision to reject the coal mine at Druridge Bay due to the impact it would have on climate change and we are confident that the courts will uphold his decision. Still debating dirty coal in 2018 is a distraction. It isn’t a fear that this scheme would have detrimental impacts on climate change, it’s a reality.

“Renewables have surged - going from providing only 9% to almost 30% of UK electricity in just 6 years. We could import less coal, oil and gas if we invest in our own renewable future – which is also what we need to prevent runaway climate change. This is where the real solution lies and if we end coal and ban fracking, a clean energy future is easily within our grasp.”



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