Release our wind Tremendous renewable energy potential in England

Imagine a world where the wind blows freely, our energy comes from natural sources and we’re not at the mercy of gas and oil giants. No longer wrestling with rising costs and polluting energy.  

Our research shows there’s huge potential to release the immense power of the sun and wind at onshore sites across England and generate 13 times more renewable energy than we currently do from onshore wind and solar.

Now that the government has lifted barriers to onshore wind production in England, we now need to see our renewable energy potential utilised.

Renewable energy potential in England

We teamed up with researchers at the University of Exeter to identify the land that could be most suitable for new onshore renewable energy in England. Use this map to find out which key areas could generate the most energy to power our renewable future.

You can also view the renewable energy potential map on its own. 

Clean green power

If this capacity was fully developed, which we're not calling for, we’d benefit from:

  • More than 13 times the current onshore wind and solar electricity generation across England.
  • More than 2.5 times the electricity currently consumed by homes.
  • The UK would not only have the potential to easily meet its own energy needs, but it could also become a green energy superpower exporting clean, cheap, green electricity to other countries.

Essentially, we can generate far more renewable energy than we need and smash our targets just from onshore resources alone. But, shockingly, new onshore wind farms are restricted in England.

An illustration of an England map, split into regions - with varying sizes of sun and wind on each section.

How reliable are renewables?

There’s a lot of misinformation and misconceptions out there about renewable energy. We want to unpack some of these myths and clarify the facts.

  • What happens when it’s not sunny?

  • Is renewable energy expensive?

  • Where are all these wind farms meant to go? 

Hear from those in the know to put your mind at ease.

Release our wind

The evidence is clear. We must expand our use of renewables. We need to put measures in place to ensure new generating capacity is built.

A future free from fossil fuel emissions is within our grasp. Where almost all our energy in the UK comes from clean, climate-friendly sources. In doing so, not only will we meet our need for clean energy, but it'll help us meet our target to reduce climate emissions by 68% by 2030, compared to 1990 levels.

So let’s allow nature to do its thing and harness the power of cheap, homegrown renewable energy to bring down our bills and cut emissions.