
Teach the Future and Friends of the Earth

  Published:  04 Dec 2019     |       2 minute read     |         |     Craig Bennett
Friends of the Earth's CEO Craig Bennett introduces "Teach the Future", a collaborative campaign aimed at forcing a review into climate education across the UK's national curriculum and ensuring our young people receive an education that will prepare them for the future they are facing.

Does peaceful protest work?

  Published:  29 Nov 2017     |       4 minute read
What is non-violent direct action (NVDA)? How has it changed the world we live in? And how is it helping in the fight against fracking?

Protest songs. Which are the best?

  Published:  09 Nov 2017     |       4 minute read
Protest songs stir our hearts, emotions and actions. But which are the best? Oliver Bennett asks prominent people to share the music that moved them most.