We’re taking action to demand that the multinational company Unilever severs ties with Indonesian palm oil giant Astra Agro Lestari, unless it makes amends to local communities. We’ve spoken out and Unilever is listening.
Find out how Friends of the Earth brings people together to make change happen, what we're campaigning for, and the different ways you can get involved.
“You can be in favour of Heathrow expansion, or you can be serious about stopping climate change. You can’t be both”. Oliver Hayes, climate change campaigner at Friends of the Earth
A fifty-fifty chance of exceeding 1.5 degrees is "worse odds than Russian roulette" and we must reach net zero emissions faster to avoid the worst effects of climate chaos says Friends of the Earth in response to advice from the Committee on Climate Change (CCC) on the UK's emissions targets published today.
Insulation may not be the sexiest topic, but with rising energy bills it’s worth brushing up on your knowledge and finding out whether it could benefit your home. Climate Campaigner Connor Schwartz answers your questions.