We consume a lot of terrible news daily. It’s hard not to feel like the world’s in constant crisis. So how do we shake that feeling of hopelessness? Find out 5 ways you can show your support for causes close to your heart.
The wonders of habitats like the rainforest and the wealth of species they contain have been transported to our homes by TV series such as Planet Earth. But they’re being exploited to fuel global demand for everyday products. Find out about some of the most at-risk habitats and how the UK is contributing to their destruction.
Ray Cobbett has spent much of his retirement campaigning with Friends of the Earth's local group in Havant. He turned 80 this year yet shows no sign of slowing down.
Buses are a lifeline for many people – and the planet. Free bus travel for under 30s is an idea whose time has come. You shouldn’t need a ticket to ride, writes Laura MacKenzie our transport campaigner.
Find out more about our legal challenge against the UK government, what’s happening in Mozambique and why it’s so important the UK government withdraws its funding from this mega gas project.