A fifty-fifty chance of exceeding 1.5 degrees is "worse odds than Russian roulette" and we must reach net zero emissions faster to avoid the worst effects of climate chaos says Friends of the Earth in response to advice from the Committee on Climate Change (CCC) on the UK's emissions targets published today.
Today (29 July) marks the date that all of earth’s natural resources will be used up for the year – overshooting what can be replenished by more than five months. The day keeps creeping earlier in the year – in 2019 overshoot day is the earliest it's ever fallen.
The UK government must urgently ramp up its climate action says Friends of the Earth ahead of the UN Climate Summit which begins on Monday (23 September).
The legal team at Friends of the Earth has been instrumental in major wins like the fight against fracking and holding the government to account for not delivering a meaningful climate plan. Support their work.
Corporations are trying to make up for the damage they do when using fossil fuels – they are offsetting. It is becoming a common practise in industries, but how good is it?