Fundraising tips and ideas

You can still raise funds to tackle climate change during the lockdown. It just takes a bit of creativity.

From teaching an '80s-themed aerobics class, to upcycling waste plastics and donning your glad rags at work meetings, here are some novel ways to raise funds and protect the planet.

Cooked food on white ceramic plate

Be a class act

Do you have any talents or skills you could share? Maybe you’re a yoga teacher or could teach an ‘80s-themed aerobics class via Zoom? If you're a dab hand at bread-making or making family-friendly dinners on a budget, why not invite your friends to a House Party cooking lesson? And, if you're a DIY expert or an upcycling fashion-hack genius, pass on your pearls of wisdom to friends on Instagram Live.

People are keen to pick up tips and tricks during the lockdown, so share your hidden talents, host a class, and ask for donations to Friends of the Earth.

Cooked food on white ceramic plate
Girl selling Lego earrings

Get crafty

Last year, one of our favourite fundraising stories was of Lily Wrinkler, a young girl who was inspired to stop throwaway plastic waste polluting our rivers and oceans. And to raise money for Friends of the Earth’s plastic campaign she came up with the idea to make earrings from old pieces of Lego she no longer played with.

Look around your house, what could be turned into something creative? If you have children this is a great way to get them considering about what we throw away and set them a project to turn waste into something wonderful that could be sold to friends and family members for a small donation toward protecting the planet. Or how about creating your own rainbow, favourite sea creature, or even Friends of the Earth logo out of plastic that would have been thrown away and displaying it in your window? 

Girl selling Lego earrings
Women sitting at table using laptop computer

Quiz masters

Ah, pubs. Remember them? Sadly, we can’t meet our friends for a drink, but we can still catch up online. Friends of the Earth hosts a regular pub quiz for staff and it’s a great way to chat to those we miss seeing every day and exercise the grey matter.

Why not host a pub quiz, or arrange a family challenge with a small entry fee for charity? So far, our staff have taken part in family quizzes on Zoom, a ‘90’s pop quiz on Facebook Live and a game of charades on House Party!

Women sitting at table using laptop computer
Man wearing suit at desk with computer

Dress to de-stress

How many of you now have night pyjamas and day pyjamas? Our “normal” clothes are fast becoming a distant memory. Getting dressed up as if you would before the lockdown is a great for your mental health and self-esteem but the idea of getting dressed up might seem a distant memory.

Why not get your colleagues or friends to take part in a virtual Mufty Day or fancy dress-themed meeting to raise money for a good cause? Dust off those nice clothes and give them a whirl while saving the world.

Man wearing suit at desk with computer
Woman running by river

Challenge yourself

Whether you've been training for a challenge event, or you've been inspired by your daily dose of Joe Wicks, why not exercise and raise funds for the environment?

If you fancy a mini challenge, you could run a mile a day and complete a marathon in less than a month. Or climb your stairs 452 times, the equivalent to climbing Mount Snowdon.  Use your imagination, and come up with your own challenge for the planet.

Woman running by river
Plank for the Planet
Cat holding white keyboard and black mouse on sofa

Meet the pets

Some family members are really pleased you’re staying home more. Our pets are thrilled to have their humans around. And nothing is better than a pet popping up in a work meeting, as we’ve discovered at Friends of the Earth.

What about running a virtual “bring your pet to work day” where you raise money for our friends in nature by showing off your furry or feathered friends. It would certainly cheer up your pet-less colleagues. You could even get your colleagues to guess which human the four-legged pal belongs to.  

Cat holding white keyboard and black mouse on sofa