How can I make the environmental movement more trans and non-binary inclusive?
It’s difficult to ignore current hostility towards trans people’s basic right to live safely, particularly from the government and the media. In 2024 the government banned puberty blockers for under-18s, despite a large number of trans organisations, experts and healthcare professionals expressing serious concerns about this decision and the Cass Review which prompted it.
That same year, the UK was ranked 16th out of 49 for LGBTQIA+-friendly European countries by IGLA-Europe. Until 2015 it had often ranked top, but the UK has fallen significantly in recent years following “‘efforts to rewrite guidelines to limit access to trans-specific healthcare’ and a failure to ban conversion therapy”. Horrifyingly, hate crimes against LGBTQIA+ people have risen by a massive 348% in just under a decade.
For campaigning and activism to be effective, it needs to be inclusive. This means making sure people can participate safely, irrespective of who they are and whether they’ve been excluded historically. It’s important to note that, just because something’s legal, it doesn’t mean it’s safe and accessible. For example, while a third of LGBTQIA+ adults in the US have seriously considered fostering or adopting, similar numbers say possible discrimination is a major barrier to them pursuing this.
Why is being trans-inclusive important in climate activism?
Activism is only effective when spaces acknowledge and embrace different experiences and identities. Climate justice is about recognising the interconnectedness of struggles and, in doing so, fighting for solutions to the climate crisis that not only reduce emissions but also create a fairer and more just world in the process.
The climate crisis certainly doesn’t discriminate, and we know that the disadvantages faced by the most vulnerable and marginalised are magnified in times of crisis. Gender-based violence increases after climate-related disasters, which leaves transgender and gender non-conforming people especially vulnerable.

During Hurricane Katrina for example, LGBTQIA+ people faced discrimination in emergency shelters – many faith-based relief organisations refused to help them. A trans person was even jailed after showering in a women’s restroom despite being told she could by a volunteer.
If we’re to have a just climate movement, we need to make our campaigning spaces more inclusive. We need to make an effort to understand the experiences of trans and non-binary people and shift the attitudes held politically and socially to prevent further gender-related climate tragedies.
What are gender pronouns?
One small but hugely impactful thing we can do is honour people’s personhood and identity by respecting the gender pronouns they use.
We all have pronouns and we use them all the time. Pronouns are words that refer to either the people talking (like you or I) or someone or something that’s being talked about (like she, they, and this). Gender pronouns (like he or them) specifically refer to people that you’re talking about and are part of our everyday speech and writing. They’re used to take the place of people’s names.
Gender pronouns signal how people want to be referred to without needing to rely on assumptions. For example, someone may say “I use she/they” pronouns, which means they’re happy to be referred to as she/her/hers and they/them/theirs.
Why do gender pronouns matter?
Typically, we make automatic assumptions about what pronouns to use for someone. For example, if a person’s appearance seems to be “feminine” and they have a typical “girl’s” name, we’d be likely to use she/her when talking to or about them. Similarly, if a person’s appearance seems to be “masculine” and they have a typical “boy’s” name, we’d likely use he/him. Sometimes when we’re unsure about someone’s gender, we’ll use a gender-neutral pronoun like they/them.
Gender neutral pronouns such as they/them are sometimes used by trans people, and often used by non-binary people. While this might seem like a new concept, gender neutral pronouns have been used throughout history:
- In 1912, Chicago School Superintendent Ella Young proposed new gender neutral pronouns he’er, his’er, and him’er.
- In the 1960’s, the gender-neutral term ‘hen’ was created in Swedish, and is now in common use today.
- The gender-neutral pronoun ‘hir’ was used in the 1920’s by a Californian newspaper The Sacramento Bee.
While a lot of the time we’re right when guessing someone’s pronouns, that’s not the case for everyone:
- Not everyone identifies as either boy/man or girl/woman – sometimes people are gender non-conforming and choose to identify as they/them, or a range of other identities.
- Someone’s appearance and name may not conform with “traditional” expectations of boy/man or girl/woman.
- Someone’s gender might not align with how others perceive them.
Sometimes we can guess gender and get it wrong. This is known as misgendering: using wrong pronouns for a person, either intentionally or unintentionally. When someone is consistently misgendered, this becomes a burden that can negatively impact them. For trans and non-binary people, misgendering can be a daily occurrence, which can feel disrespectful, invalidating, dismissive, alienating or hurtful.
How can I show support for trans and non-binary people?

One of the ways you can show you care is by declaring your pronouns if you feel comfortable doing so. For trans and non-binary people, pronouns are a way to affirm gender identity and prevent misgendering. While there isn’t the same need for a cisgender person – that is, a person whose gender identity corresponds with the sex registered for them at birth – to use pronouns openly, they’re still important in building an inclusive environment.
Declaring your pronouns isn’t always easy to do, but there are ways to make it simpler for people. You may have noticed that in some spaces, people are sharing their pronouns in introductions, on name tags, in their social media bios and at the beginning of meetings. This gives everyone in a space the opportunity to self-identify, instead of assuming each other’s identities or which pronouns they use.
Including your pronouns in introductions or your email signature can signal your allyship to trans and non-binary people, highlighting your understanding of pronouns and your wish to respect their importance.
Using the correct pronouns for someone doesn't cost anything, but it can be incredibly positive for trans and non-binary people. It’s a sign that you respect and see people how they see themselves. It can also make them feel more welcome in whatever space you’re in, including the climate movement.