Getting great media coverage

19 Sep 2017
You're taking part in our Protect Our Futures day of action. Here's how to get your activity into the local press to amplify our calls for action against fracking.

So how do you put on an action that will get noticed? And how can you get the local media to cover it?

This guide will help you develop an action that will appeal to the media, explain how to write a press release to tell them about it, and then how to give a great interview once they’re interested.

Getting started

There are certain hooks that are always more likely to get the media interested in what you do. For example:

  • Something new
  • Facts and stats
  • Milestones / anniversaries
  • Celebrity
  • An interesting picture
  • Local interest
  • Human interest - a story about a real person or family
  • Humour
  • Shock / breaking news
  • Conflict / debate
  • Something that’s quirky / different

So when thinking about your event:

If there is a threat of fracking near you, can you find facts and statistics to show how fracking could affect people and the environment locally? This page will help get you started.

Can you create an interesting visual or stunt that would make an interesting picture and grab the newspapers’ attention? Check out these examples for inspiration.

Do you have a local celebrity who could attend your event? Will your local MP come and have their picture taken at your event?

An event which has one or two of these thing increases the chances of getting the local press along, and makes it easier to write your press release.

Perfect press releases

So, you’ve decided on your event. Now to tell the journalists about it.

Journalists get emailed hundreds of press releases every day; they will scan through their email subject lines and only bother reading the ones that look the most interesting.

Your two priorities are to make yours simple and exciting.

Imagine the press release as a pyramid; the journalist will initially take two seconds only to scan the headline (which you should also use as the subject of your email). If that’s clear and interesting they will scan the first paragraph. Only if that’s interesting will they read any further. Journalists will also scan the press release for quotes, as these are the juicy opinion bits that they normally print in the paper.

  • Length: Keep press releases short – preferably no longer than one side of A4 .
  • Keep it simple: Avoid technical jargon or complicated language. Someone who knows nothing about the subject should be able to understand your press release.
  • Headline: Your top message should form your headline. Keep it short and catchy but give a clear idea of the story.
  • Opening paragraph: Expand the headline to make your first paragraph. It should answer the basic questions – Who, What, Where, When, Why, and How.
  • Next paragraph: This should expand on the first, bringing in some context and one or two sentences of relevant background information.
  • Quote: The quote is usually the only part of your press release that will appear directly in the paper. Write as if you were speaking the words – reading your quote out loud will help with this. Keep sentences short and punchy. If they only print one sentence about your campaign or event, what should it say?
  • Acronyms: Never use acronyms; always write out the name of something in full. Never shorten Friends of the Earth to FOE.
  • Photo call: Describe what a journalist will be able to photograph. The more exciting the picture, the more likely they will send along a photographer. Let them know exactly where and how to find you.

Your press release should also include:

  • A date of release at the top, usually ‘immediate release’ on the day you send it out. Embargoes should be imposed only when strictly necessary.
  • A contact name, email and phone number of someone who knows about the story, who will be available to answer journalists' queries and organise or conduct interviews.
  • Notes to the editor – any additional information should go in notes at the end. Use these sparingly and only when the detail is essential.
  • Follow up: Once you have emailed your press release, follow it up with a phone call to the journalist. Tell them a little bit about the story, ask them if they’ve seen the release, and then see if they are interested in covering it or sending a photographer. Be friendly and don’t take up too much of their time.

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