Industrial strategy: bold measures needed to reap clean growth benefits

Press release
Fossil fuel support undermines government efforts to tackle climate change.
  Published:  27 Nov 2017    |      1 minute read

Commenting on the UK government’s industrial strategy published today, Friends of the Earth climate and energy campaigner Alasdair Cameron said: 

“Clean growth is rightly a central theme of this industrial strategy, but bold action is needed for the UK to really reap the benefits of building a low-carbon economy, and tackle both climate change and air pollution.

“Unfortunately government efforts to end the nation’s reliance on climate-wrecking fossil fuels are constantly undermined by its championing of fracking and financial assistance to the fossil fuel industry - as well as blocking cheap and efficient onshore wind and solar schemes.

“Ministers must also do more to ensure that people and communities – as well as big businesses – benefit from developing the nation’s huge renewable power potential.”