Up to 38% of all annual childhood asthma cases in Bradford may be caused by air pollution

Press release
Friends of the Earth reacts to to new research led by the University of Leeds which highlights the impact of traffic-related air pollution on childhood asthma
  Published:  27 Mar 2018    |      1 minute read

In response to the link between Bradford's industrial legacy and its rates of childhood asthma Simon Bowens, Yorkshire and Humber Friends of the Earth campaigner said:

“Bradford’s rates of childhood asthma are a chilling reminder that air pollution is a public health crisis, and it is our children that are bearing the brunt of it. Swift action is needed to clean up Bradford’s air, with the wellbeing of residents depending on it.

“As road traffic is a major source of air pollution we need to see measures urgently put in place to help people out of private cars and into cleaner alternatives. Investment to make public transport more reliable and efficient, as well as improved walking and cycling infrastructure, is key to this.

“We’re calling on Bradford City Council to clean up the air of the city, but we also need to see more support from the UK government, which has very much passed the buck when it comes to addressing air pollution.”

For more information on the study please contact the University of Leeds press office