Interim injunction halts fracking in Lancashire on safety grounds

05 Oct 2018
Within hours of the industry heralding the start of fracking in Lancashire, an interim High Court injunction means that fracking cannot yet begin due to safety concerns.

A full injunction hearing, expected to take place on Wednesday 10 October, will decide whether the injunction is upheld or whether fracking can commence whilst there is an outstanding judicial review over emergency planning procedures at the site.

The injunction was applied for by Lancashire resident, Bob Dennett. An additional legal challenge brought by Friends of the Earth over regulation at the site is also still being considered by the High Court.

Reacting to the news, Liz Hutchins, Friends of the Earth’s campaigns director, said:

“The environmental risks of fracking are well-documented and issues regarding safety at the Preston New Road site have been raised before.

“It’s right that local people continue to highlight these concerns, through the courts if necessary.

“Fracking has already been stopped in Scotland, Wales, & Northern Ireland because of the risks. Fracking is bad news for our climate, environment and local people: when is the government going to wake-up and realise it’s backed the wrong horse?”

Across the country, people are calling on the government to respect local democracy and stop forcing fracking on communities.

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