Largest earthquake in Lancashire since fracking started

Press release
A 1.5 magnitude earthquake was recorded in Blackpool, Lancashire today.
  Published:  11 Dec 2018    |      1 minute read

Reacting to news of the largest earthquake to take place in Lancashire since fracking started, Tony Bosworth, Friends of the Earth campaigner, said:

“Within a day of Cuadrilla re-starting fracking in Lancashire, there has already been another earthquake which means they’ve had to down tools.

“It appears that they cannot frack without triggering tremors. And instead of acknowledging that fracking needs to end, Cuadrilla are instead urging for regulations around earthquakes to be relaxed.

“We’ve always said that fracking poses risks for our climate and environment. After today’s quake, and with the effects of climate breakdown already happening around us, isn’t it time to put a stop to fracking once and for all?”

According to the British Geological Survey a 1.5 magnitude earthquake was recorded in Blackpool, Lancashire today (11 December) with was felt in Blackpool.