Rampion wind farm nearing completion – Friends of the Earth gives thumbs up

01 Oct 2018
Friends of the Earth joined a number of community representatives and local organisations for a close-up visit to the Rampion offshore wind farm today (1st October).

The wind farm, which is due to be completed by the end of the year, will power the equivalent of half the homes in Sussex every year, for the next 25 years.

Brenda Pollack south east campaigner at Friends of the Earth, who visited the Rampion offshore wind farm today, said:

“It was fascinating to get a close-up look at these amazing wind turbines that will power our homes and help wean the nation off climate-wrecking fossil fuels.

"It’s great to see a wind farm off the Sussex coast leading the charge to build a cleaner, safer future. We look forward to its final completion later this year.

"Friends of the Earth has strongly supported the Rampion offshore wind farm – we’re delighted to see such a significant project showcasing the huge benefits of renewable energy."

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