Reform countryside to tackle climate change, urges government advisor - Friends of the Earth reaction

15 Nov 2018
"This is a wake-up call for a complacent government that we must completely transform the way we use land, to avoid climate breakdown and make space for nature."

Responding to the publication today of the Committee on Climate Change's new report on land use, Friends of the Earth campaigner Guy Shrubsole said:

"This is a wake-up call for a complacent government that we must completely transform the way we use land, to avoid climate breakdown and make space for nature.

"As the Committee on Climate Change says, we need to free up land from agriculture by eating much less meat and dairy, and stop landowners burning and degrading peat bogs - our single biggest carbon store.

"We also need to reforest far more of Britain than the government's current puny tree-planting targets - going beyond what this report calls for and doubling forest cover to lock-up carbon and help prevent floods."

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