Gove stirred into action - Friends of the Earth calls for legislation to go further

22 May 2019
Friends of the Earth calls on Michael Gove to introduce legislation covering all unnecessary plastics, not just a handful of items

Reacting to DEFRA's announcement on the ban of plastic cotton buds, straws and stirrers, Emma Priestland, plastics campaigner at Friends of the Earth, said:

“Legislation to cut down on pointless plastic is good to see but these three items are just a fraction of the single-use plastic nasties that are used for a tiny amount of time before potentially polluting the natural environment for centuries to come.

“Ultimately we need producers to take responsibility for the plastic pollution caused by all their products; whether it’s bags, balloons, packets, containers or otherwise. This is why we’re campaigning for legislation to cut back on pointless plastic across the board.”

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