
The UK's new monarch: the green king?

  Published:  05 May 2023     |       7 minute read
Throughout his life, the UK’s new monarch King Charles III has championed environmental issues and is seen by some as a leading climate advocate, who supports charities and campaigns with global significance. But the monarchy is also a symbol of colonialism. We explore how the two intersect and influence the green credentials of the new king.

Anti-discrimination and harassment: what Friends of the Earth is doing

  Published:  06 Mar 2023     |       2 minute read
Environmental justice recognises the climate crisis as a social and political problem, as well as an environmental one. This means acknowledging that struggles are interconnected and, by doing so, fighting for solutions that create a more sustainable planet, and a fairer and more just world. This is why we believe all of our staff and wider network and the work we do must be free from discrimination and harassment. Find out more by reading our statements.

Three ways heat impacts our lives

  Published:  15 Jul 2022     |       Last updated:  08 Dec 2023     |       2 minute read
Due to the climate crisis, we’re experiencing the impacts of high temperatures all over the UK. Find out about the consequences of this extreme weather.