480 results

What's insulation and can it save me money?

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Insulation may not be the sexiest topic, but with rising energy bills it’s worth brushing up on your knowledge and finding out whether it could benefit your home. Climate Campaigner Connor Schwartz answers your questions.

The power of people: 5 reasons to be hopeful

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There's no denying it – things are changing all around us. But one thing stays the same: the incredible power of people coming together. Ready for a dose of inspiration? Here’s 5 stories that show just how amazing people power can be, and why there's always a reason to stay hopeful.

How can the UK secure affordable energy for everyone?

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The war in Ukraine has brought renewed focus on problems with the global energy market. But how can the UK ensure a stable supply of affordable energy and avoid fuelling conflict and climate breakdown across the globe? Climate Campaigner Danny Gross explores the options.